Tooth Decay
Have a dentist check-up every 6 months and consider filling or crown treatments as necessary.
Have a dentist check-up every 6 months and consider filling or crown treatments as necessary.
One of the most prevalent diseases in the world is toothdecay. People who frequently consume sugary meals and have poor dental hygieneare more likely to experience it. Dental caries may go undetected if regularcheckups are not done, especially on the interfaces. For this reason, painlessdental caries detection and treatment are routinely performed every six months.Exam by the dentist should be successful.
In our mouths, there are millions of microorganisms. Thedecay-causing bacteria in our mouths secrete acid at an increasing rate whenthe food residues we leave in our mouths are not removed, especially if theyare high in sugar, wheat, or starch. By causing the enamel tissue of the teethto dissolve, these acids induce tooth decay. As a result, eating sugary andacidic foods frequently raises the risk of tooth decay.
White patches on the surface of the tooth are the firstindication of decay. Before they develop into caries, white lesions that arediscovered at this stage can be treated and reversed. If nothing is done atthis time to stop the loss of minerals, the cavity will continue to deepenuntil it eventually creates a hole on the surface of the tooth. If furtheraction is not taken, this decay will also harm the softer tissues in the deeperregions of the tooth. After this, the bruise may develop considerably morequickly. In order to treat it as quickly as possible, this is necessary.
Despite the fact that dental caries is typically seen inyouth, several factors may change as people age and make them more susceptibleto the condition. The cement tissue opens into the mouth during gingivalrecession, which happens biologically as people age and exposes the rootsurface. Because cementum tissue is weaker than enamel tissue, it is moresusceptible to dental caries.
In its early stages, tooth decay typically shows nosymptoms. Some discomforts could start as a result of the enamel tissue erodingand the dentin layer starting to deteriorate.
The most common dental caries symptoms are;
Visible discoloration of the teeth, pitting.
-Pain, tenderness when sugary foods are consumed
- Having discomfort when chewing or biting.
-Bad breath.
-Unexplained toothache.
Dental caries is primarily brought on by improper oralhygiene, a lack of regular dental visits, and a diet high in starches, sweets,and acidic foods. Starting at this point, the following are the primary causesof dental caries;
- Regularly drinking acidic beverages
- Reflux is present
Frequent consumption of carbohydrate foods
- mouth dry
- Poor dental hygiene
-Inadequate consumption of fluoride
- Blumia or Anorexia nervosa disorders
A certain level of dental decay makes itself extremelyobvious. However, only routine dental examinations and x-rays are able todiagnose cavities at the interfaces and cavities in the posterior area of theupper jaw. A treatment strategy can be created once the doctor has establishedthe extent of the caries.
Dental caries should be diagnosed and treated as soon aspossible. Because untreated tooth decay can result in uncomfortable situationslike ongoing tooth pain, tooth breaking, odor, a chewing disorder, andinflammation.
Fluoride administration can stop caries when it isdiscovered in the early stages, or the white lesion stage. In more severesituations, the caries tissue is removed with a quick surgery, and the cavitythat results is then filled with filling material to repair it. Once the carieshas been cleaned up, a crown, or veneer as it is known in common parlance, canbe made to entirely heal a tooth with a significant amount of decay. Thesecrowns can be composed of a variety of materials, including metal-porcelain,porcelain, and zirconium.
The tooth is restored by first filling the root canal, thenthe tooth or, if necessary, the crown. If the caries is too deep, if it hasreached the nerves, all the inflammatory structures in the root canal arecleaned using canal therapy.
The tooth must be extracted if the caries has proceeded toofar and cannot be preserved with any form of treatment. In these situations, asimultaneous implant placement or a subsequent implant placement can repair themissing tooth. If the teeth in front and rear of the extracted tooth arehealthy, a bridge prosthesis can be created as an alternative to the implant.
Today, specialized techniques such as onlay and inlay areused since the fillings can be placed by the doctor concurrently. Afteracquiring digital or conventional measurements from the mouth for variousCAD/CAM filling types, the laboratory-designed filling is created by scrapingfrom porcelain or composite with specialized scrapers. Today, these uniquefillings are used more frequently and can be much more compatible. They arebonded to the mouth with a unique adhesive.