Teeth whitening
Teeth whitening brightens discolored teeth and is an effective and economical solution.
Teeth whitening brightens discolored teeth and is an effective and economical solution.
Teeth that have changed color due to internal or externalsources can be whitened using a cosmetic dentistry technique with technical andmaterial changes.
Before undergoing this operation, it's crucial to comprehendthe reason for the discolouration. Because certain discolorations result inexterior stimuli discoloring the teeth, while others may be caused by insidefactors. The most important thing to remember is that not all colorations canbe made white.
You can whiten your teeth either in a dental office (officetype whitening) or at home with a customized appliance (home type whitening),depending on your preferences. Or both applications can be submittedsimultaneously. The application that combines in-office and at-home whiteningis the most efficient technique.
- The tooth surface should be well cleaned and free ofplaque and dental calculus before bleaching.
- Fillings should be created or modified following thebleaching procedure.
- The attractive coating should be left on after thebleaching procedure if one is to be made.
After bleaching, there are a lot of guidelines to take intoaccount. You will be given an explanation of these guidelines by the dentist oran assistant, and you should pay close attention to them.
After tooth whitening, the first week is crucial. The teethare most prone to discolouration in the first week following whitening.Additionally, it's crucial that you heed the advice of your physician. Avoidingfoods and drinks with coloring agents is advised, as is brushing your teeth assoon as you can after each meal.
Tea, coffee, red wine, tomato paste, fruit juices, sauces,beetroot, blackberries, strawberries, cherries, colored sweets, coloredalcoholic beverages, cigarettes, etc. are among the foods and drinks thatshould be kept to a minimum during this time.
- Teeth do not abrade anything. The color of the teeth mightoccasionally vary by up to 3–4 tones, though.
-The teeth's surface is not coated with anything.
-Application is quick and simple.
-Contrary to widespread assumption, the teeth and gums arenot seriously harmed.
-The teeth-whitening procedure is very dependable andsuccessful when done under a doctor's supervision and in accordance with theguidelines.
-When compared to aesthetic coatings, it is quiteaffordable.
It's possible for brief side effects including glare andhot-cold sensitivity to develop during and after the surgery.
It might not provide the same outcome for every person.
After teeth whitening, the color of the teeth cannotpossibly stay the same. Over time, there will be some returns.