Implant Treatment in Bone Deficiency
We address bone loss with bone grafting and CT scanning for patients with inadequate bone.
We address bone loss with bone grafting and CT scanning for patients with inadequate bone.
For the installation of dental implants, the bone must be ofsufficient thickness, length, and quality. And the likelihood of having issueswith implant application rises if one of these variables is insufficient.
However, many tissues that have been lost can now bepartially or entirely restored because to the development of techniques,methodologies, and materials. As a result, implants can be placed in placeswhere there is a lack of bone.
Tomography should often be used to determine how much boneis left after bone resorption. In accordance with this assessment, the dentalimplant procedure is designed by evaluating the bone's thickness, density, andrelationship to nearby teeth and other structures.
In other words, dental implants can be placed even if thereis not enough bone. However, if bone resorption is present above a particularthreshold, more surgeries must be done. These procedures are frequentlyreferred to as bone graft operations.
Various goods are utilized during bone graft operations,including different bone powders (bone graft), bone coverings (membrane), boneanchoring pins, membrane anchoring pins, PRF, Enamel Matrix Proteins(Emdogain), etc. These procedures could need to be done separately or theymight be able to be done concurrently with the implant surgery. because certainforms of osteoporosis prevent implantation during bone graft surgery. Incertain situations, graft procedures can be carried out first, and if enough bonehas developed after the necessary waiting period, the implant can be created.
People who don't have enough bone tissue undergo bone graftsurgeries. Prior to these procedures, the patient's overall health, themedications he takes, and the causes of his tooth loss are discussed, andplanning is then done after a CT scan of the bone assesses the condition of thebone. These first assessments are crucial for determining the technique and thematerials to be employed.
Following the completion of the initial assessments and thecreation of a plan, the placement of bone powder (bone graft), bone cover(membrane), and other products in the quantities and sizes decided upon duringthe planning—typically with a one-session operation—marks the start of thehealing process.
It's crucial that the healing process happens without ahitch and that no infections or abscesses form. The materials used create asort of closed habitat, and as long as this closed environment maintains itsintegrity, there is a strong likelihood that new bone will grow.